
  • I am surprised that pan people choose to abstain from this discussion. It deals with one person observation of the steelband and young people.

    Why should we accept the status of the steelband in the land of its birth? I am tired of people telling me that things change and I have to learn to live with the changes, to those people I say HOGWASH.  There is something called PRESERVATION where you work to preserve things that is important. The Steelband is a part of our culture that  needs to be protected and restored to its glory days, no one is saying the job will be easy but if there is a will in the people they will find a way.

    There are forces that want to take the PAN and forget the STEELBAND, that aint go happen.

    • If we don't save the steelband, it won't make sense purchasing instruments for 100+ players just to compete in panorama.


  • Dennis, For years we have been saying that the Steelband is dying in the land of it's birth, I guess it is now safe to say it is DEAD, long live the DJs . WE all stood by and watch the death of one of the important parts of our culture.

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