Pan players are extremely elated as they collected $500.00 instead of the $1000.00 that was promised. They are so pleased with Mr. Diaz and his executive  that they are now insisting that for 2018 they would like the money even further reduced to $250.

Keep up the good work boys and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves at New York's panorama last week. 


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  • Aye Claude, pan players will take the $250 wid ah smile, there parents and grand parents used to play for ah roti, ah red solo and 2 cigarette. lol


    • Cecil, the Executive couldn't pay pan players because the 5 Million they collected for 2016 got lost somewhere in the Executive many bank accounts.
      They then had to approach the GROTT for a draw down from the 2017 budget to pay the (2016) $1000....the 2017 budget was there for $5 Million short, so the Executive agreed for NCC to pay the players $500 for 2017...but told the meeting they would be paid $1000.
      That Diaz is the " Greatest Politician" the World have ever seen....He so great, that the only person to out fox him is Photo, who already has on his life jacket and is ready to survive the looming " Irma"
      CIP eh want to out fox both of them,we just want dem to take their comrades and their jhaggi bundle and leave.
      • Oswald: According to another STEELPAN WEBSITE, the downward revision of remittances to $500 from $1000 was a direct result of the decline in the local economy according to a statement from the Keith Rowley Government.

        So I don't know who to believe: You or the STEELPANAUTHORITY.

        But I can say that the law of unintended consequences dealt a dirty hand to PAN MEN. Had the UPPM and the CIP allowed THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ to run his PANORAMA without interference, I am sure that PAN MEN would have gotten their $1000 checks.

        Instead PAN MEN GOT PUNISHED because of a FAILED ATTEMPTED COUP by the UPPM who quickly became the CIP after being OUTPOLITRICKED by the RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ. As the RIGHT HONOURABLE said recently: THE CIP, I never ever even hear about them.

        If PAN MEN had any guts or political maturity or leadership they would call DR. DOLLY to the conference table and demand the rest of their money!!! If they could BORROW MONEY to pay the salaries of the BLOATED BUREAUCRACIES, they could BORROW 4,000,000$$$ and pay the 8000 PAN MEN their other $500.00.

        • Believe Rowley Mi Amigo,  and don't forget the $90 million to refurbish the "Brian Lara Stadium", the Tobago Ferry, the new Taxes he tried to enforce, the whole Country is CORRUPTED, evey since time began, as far back as 1611 when we was a Spanish Colony, example,

          (ESPANA de TRINIDA (Puerto Espana/Port of Spain)

           In the 17th century when Trinidad was a Spanish colony it became infamous for its corruption. It was the main port for English and Dutch smugglers and pirates. In 1611 Spain sent an investigative judge to the island. He discovered that everyone in the island is corrupt. He reported that if he had to start hanging offenders he had to start with the children because everyone was guilty, even the women, even children ten years old. He recommended a general pardon. This  is how far back the corruption goes...Rowley and Diaz is just carrying on the regular tradition...

          • JJJ, but why only poor people make jail for thief?

        • Claude
          Sadly,you are mis-informed ,and now co-opted to repeat the mis-informtion.
        • MI Amigo, I'm disappointed in U man, U believe dat B.S. about the decline in the economy, where they spent $ million tt dollars instead of the $90.000.000 million to refurbish the "Brian Lara" Stadium, but the Country have no/any money, WHERE DID THEY GET IT FROM ? my guess is that GOD dropped it down for them...

          • Juanitto you are on the ball, the GROTT got rid of one inter island ferry (USD 14,000 per day and contrated two to do the same job.Both has less capacity and the each cost twice as muchThe GROTT also bought Massy Cable at some odd $M 200 and was going to pay about $50 Million more,if the deal didn't cause an uproar in the media.
            Claude hah to check the credentials of his informants......Pronto.
            • OSWALD, I know every move they make long before the make it, in T&T it's total LARCENY, the so-call Government that is supposed to RULE, GUIDE, REGULATE, SERVE and PROTECT, meaning to take care of, is robing the CITIZENS BLIND, creating Poverty driving the Citizens to the edge of VAGRANCY AND HOMELESSNESS, right now T&T is "Under a Political and Financial Siege" where the people are angry and restlest, and it won't be much longer before it HAPPENS...

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