The true origins of "Yellow Bird".

The of the song "Yellow Bird", is really a Haitian folk song named "Choucoune".

Here's proof of that.

Us panplayers, have always thought this to be a T&T folk song named Yellow Bird".

Sorry guys, we got it all wrong, but thanks to the internet, we can not get it right.

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  • I encountered Yellow Bird as a "Jamaican" folk song back in the 1960s, assuming it originated there.  Never considered the possibilities of either Haitian or Trini origin.




  • Not all T&&T pan players think so, on one of Belafonte's album Lord Burgress is credited as the composer, some years ago a French lady came to our band requesting "le pitite zwuzon" we told her we do not know the song she insisted that we played it the day before I knew it was the little bird in English so we played yellow bird and told her the correct name was yellow bird and she corrected us and told us it was a french song centuries old I heard of the haitian version and the creole signature is highly present in the music thanks brian see what you can dig up on "bam way at ti beau" that is also an early ditty sungin the early kaiso days
    • For all those who found this info as enlightening as I did, please know that it's a pleasure to share it.
  • Thanks Brian, I knew this but did not know the story of "Choucoune" and her legacy.

    I am now a richer person for this addition to my knowledge and education. ASW

    • You more than welcome.
    • Thanks for this truly enlightening story, and a remarkable one at that.

      Haiti is forever being 'raped' and David Rudder in his calypso "Haiti " tends to make amends for what has been endured by Haiti as a nation and to the Haitian people.

      Let the truth be known.

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