After 57 Years of Panorama...

"The Chutney Soca Monarch will celebrate its 25th year as a Carnival calendar event in 2020,

In celebration of the milestone, producer George Singh announced that both the semi-final and grand final events would be gifted to the nation. Singh said the competitions would be offered free to the public..."

This is what trying something new is all about Free GENERAL entry into 2020 Chutney Soca Monarch semis, finals.

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  • Ian Franklin: I got your joke!!! That is a good joke!!! But they don't have any PRELIMS!!!
    Chutney Soca Monarch


    The Grand Final of the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Chutney Soca Monarch will now be held at Guaracara Park, PAP, as Skinner Park remains under renovation. The Final takes place on Saturday 8th February. The Semi Final, which is scheduled for Saturday 18th January will also move to a new venue, and will be held at the Space Night Club in Gulf View La Romain.

    Both events will be free to the general public.

    The event which started from a very humble beginning, has now become one of the largest and most extravagant productions in Trinidad & Tobago’s Carnival celebrations/

    The theme for this year is ‘The Journey’.

    A Grand production is being planned for the Grand Final with the ‘Opening’ of the show touching many elements of the 25-year history, and featuring quite a few of the past monarchs.

    The event will be carried ‘Live’ on National TV and also via Youtube ‘Live’ making the event available for people to view anywhere in the world. Viewing parties are also being planned for Toronto, New York, Miami and Orlando.

    15 people will be recognized on the night of the Grand Final and will be awarded the ‘CSM Special Recognition Award’. These awards are being handed out to persons who have contributed in different ways to the success of the CSM over the last 25 years.

  • IS THE PRELIMINARIES A PAID ENTRY? lol. I do not mean to be funny, but is this true?

  • Russell Providence: Yuh know how much MILLIONS in PANORAMA TICKETS were SCALPED by the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVES over the 57 years? In his last year IN OFFICE -- KEITH DIAZ (alone) stole ONE MILLION IN TICKETS.

    Yuh think that BEVERLEY and the VEE PEE will ever give up the PANORAMA GATE when that is how they PAD THEIR POCKETS.


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