From August 5 to 7, Pan Trinbago and the ICP Secretariat present the first major International Conference on Pan. It will be held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Port of Spain. The Conference is open to the public with a nominal registration fee and will bring together pan scholars and researchers and practitioners from all over the world. The Conference will be a lead up to the International Panorama competition to be held on Sunday August 9 at 3:00 p.m. at the Queen’s Park Savannah. The exciting week of events has something to offer even the most seasoned pan aficionado.   The Conference will be preceded on Tuesday, August 4, with an invitation-only business session as PanTrinbago meets with international delegates concerning international cooperation in the world of pan and the role Pan Trinbago in facilitating.


The Conference is structured to explore seven major pan-related themes ranging from History and Development of the Steelpan, Science and Technology, Social Dimension, Education, Performance, Economic and Industrial Development and Steelpan Organizations.


Award winning novelist Earl Lovelace will present the Conference keynote address on the topic Resistance and Rebellion exploring the Socio-Historical development of the Steelpan movement on Wednesday 5th August. Further exploring the first theme of History and development, former Pan Trinbago President Melville Bryan will present research on the history of Pan. Professor Louis Regis from UWI will discuss Pan and Calypso. Dr. Andrew Martin will present research on the history of the US Navy Steel Band which had a major impact on Pan in the United States. Pan is Beautiful competition adjudicator and UWI graduate student Joanna Shortt will present research analyzing gender roles in steelbands.


From History of Pan to the Business of Pan, Dr. Keith Nurse, Executive Director of The UWI Consulting Company, will talk about pan as an economic driver in Trinidad. Michael P. Cooper of Panland Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. will focus on how Pan Manufacturing presents untapped opportunity for Trinidad and Tobago. Economist and international trade specialist Dr. Roger Hosein will moderate these discussions on Economic and Industrial development. 


A major focus of the Conference will be on the construction of the instrument itself and several talks are set to explore ongoing studies into pan and metallurgy. Hameed Shaqq will talk on Anthony Williams’ use of physics in the design of pan and leading Canadian pan tuner Ed Peters will talk on creating standardized courses for teaching pan tuning. Soren Maloney will discuss his exploration of a new processes for dishing pans and UWI professors Clement Imbert and Brian Copeland will present research of various aspects of pan manufacturing. Dr. Aurelie Helmlinger of the Research Center in Ethnomusicology (France) will cap the session off by addressing the connections between the note layout of pans and cognition.


The Conference also features several research presentations focusing on the development of pan in North America. Based in Montreal, longtime pannist and steelband leader Salah Wilson in Montreal will present research on the development of steelpan programs in Canadian communities and schools. Dr. Janine Tiffe of Kent State University will discuss Ellie Mannette and his impact on pan in the United States. Dr. Anthony Hailey was the Director of the steelband program the Virginia Rhythm Project and now leads the Mosaic Steel Orchestra, one of three American-based steelbands competing in the International Panorama. Hailey will discuss the positive effects that youth steelbands have in schools, communities, and society at large. 


Focusing on pan in Trinidad, Paul Massey and Josephine Torrel will present research on the use of pan in the Classroom in Trinidad and Tobago. Massey is a graduate student at UWI working on a dissertation that focuses on pan as an educational tool for social transformation. Jean Raabe is a Board Certified Music Therapist, UWI lecturer, and veteran of 17 Panoramas who will present her work using steelpan as a tool in music therapy.

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  • Mister Pan Maker - Black Stalin

    • Heather MacIntosh - Headquarters

  • Hey JOMO, what invention ??? that JW Venturi Pan cone like shape with the rocket exaust at the end, did'nt that came from Rudolph Charles's rocket bass, who inturn got it from Anthony Williams while he was at UWI doing the CARIRI project ???

    • JJJ,

      Easy now, you know this kind of plagiarism been going on for quite some time, pan historians are not willing to verify its accuracy. Plus you need Doctor before your name before you get accepted in this esteem group of academics, only honorary Dr. Ellie Mannette “Father of the Modern Steel Pan” work is being considered, his impact on pan in United States. No Dr. Anthony Williams, Dr. Neville Jules or the late Dr. Bertie Marshall receiving honorable mention or invitation.

      • Which is why I'm somewhat skeptical when individuals claim to be inventors where pan is concerned.

        True there are authentic inventors in pan, but we also know that a lot was done collectively, with a lot of copying, (or shall we say "exchanging of ideas "?) among creators of the instruments (tuners) back in the day.

        • Document the Pan....

  • It is  simply  amazing , that I  Jomo Wahtuse whose   inventions   and  Innovations of   our Steel pan have  been  known   to  the  panworld   for  well over  forty  years and   whose    instruments  such  as the  Guinness World Record   breaking  Instrument  along  with  The Xylopan and  recently  The  Venturipan  has   not  been  even  extended  the  courtesy  of  an  invitation    to attend  the Steelpan International   Conference hosted    by  Pantrinbago

    .The crabs  in  the   barrel are  alive  and  well but I  am not deterred in  an

    y  way   The  Spear  is  as  steadfast  as   ever so much  so  that I have    uploaded   my   latest  creation The JW Venturi Pan  for  the    world   to  enjoy.

    Wishing  you a  very  successful Conference.

    Jomo Wahtuse


    Jomo_brochure_p2[1] (3).jpg

    JOMO GREETING CARD (1) (1).jpg

    Brochure (1).pdf

  • If only we could get all these Doctors and Learned people to talk about "The State Of The Steelband Today" maybe we could come up with a plan to remove the steelbands from the side lines and put them back on the road.

    It's an embarrassment to all steelband lovers to see them nul and void on the carnival scene, the biggest opportunity they have to generate funds to sustain themselves, they have been regulated to the panorama hustle for survival

    We seem to be preoccupied with things that we know already, it's time to address the REAL problem, "The Purpose of the  Steelband"

    • Cecil: You stole my topic!!! I am sitting down here writing up my critique on that conference and yuh gone and release my topic before I could finish!

      • It is important that you make YOUR post.

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