Machel comes to Blue Diamonds’ rescue

Trinidad Guardian

Blue Diamonds Steel Orchestra’s captain Wayne St Clair Babb, centre, and secretary Judith Chambers, right, chat with Machel Montano’s mother Elizabeth Montano at their office on the corner of Queen and Gordon Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Shirley Bahadur

So­ca star Machel Mon­tano has come to the res­cue of an un­spon­sored steel­band which had been strug­gling to pre­pare for the Panora­ma com­pe­ti­tion.

Af­ter read­ing the Sun­day Guardian’s ar­ti­cle Di­a­monds in the rough high­light­ing the plight of George Street-based Blue Di­a­monds Steel Or­ches­tra, Mon­tano de­cid­ed to help.

Yes­ter­day Machel’s moth­er, Eliz­a­beth “La­dy” Mon­tano, met with the band’s cap­tain Wayne St Clair Babb and sec­re­tary Ju­dith Cham­bers to de­ter­mine ex­act­ly how the Machel Mon­tano Foun­da­tion for Great­ness will as­sist.

Blue Di­a­monds will be im­me­di­ate­ly gift­ed with four new steel pans, in­clud­ing two tenor and two sec­onds, a new trap set, jer­seys, and a ban­ner. Oth­er as­pects of spon­sor­ship will al­so be worked out.

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  • well done

      however where is the corner of queen and gordon street

  • Creative solutions by creative people! Pan will prevail.

  • This is why I was encouraging BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE to hold a PRESS CONFERENCE and make an appeal to the ENTIRE NATION (like they did with TASPO) to reach out and provide assistance to the STEELBANDS.

    KUDOS to Machel and his mother!!!

    • Amen to that...One more True Trini.

  • Greetings, thank you Machel for looking out for the steelband, we need more support from our soca artist and mas bands, to help the steelband move forward into the 21st century. Jah Bless. Einstein Brown

  • Dr MashUp, come true and through...

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