ROBERT GREENIDGE - In His Own Words... A When Steel Talks Exclusive
The Great One in the Spotlight Revisited

New York, USA - Producer, champion arranger, composer, recording and performing artist, Robert Greenidge is simply one of the finest panist ever.  His touch on the steelpan instrument is legendary. His contributions to the steelpan music movement has help shape a generation of steelpan musicians.

When Steel Talks has had the good fortune of covering Mr. Greenidge over the years.  We revisit an early interview with Robert, where he speaks of his early beginnings and musical influences.

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  • This is a relaxed, informal interview with a pan great, and is obviously not meant to be a complete record of Mr Greenidge's career and opinions.

    So, relax guys, and take it for what it's worth.

    Like WST said "It is what it is".

    • I agree with you Glenroy.  This was like a reporter sharing his or her notes.
  • I was hoping to hear Robert Greenidge tell me about anything he wanted to, just to learn more about the man and his music.  This is important Steel Pan history.  Did I?  No.  And it wasn't because he didn't try to give us that information.  It was because of a shoddily conducted interview.

    This interview didn't do anything for highlighting Robert Greenidge or ANYONE'S ability to learn something about the Great One.  Constant noise in the background, a phone ringing, an unprepared interviewer, poor miking for Mr. Greenidge, haphazard camera work...all too below par for this to ever have hit the net. 

    How about doing it over in a studio somewhere where the man can converse intelligently about his roots and music and we can actually hear him?  This kind of sloppy interview work tells us that anything must be good, regardless of how bad it is, just because it happened.  Well, I'm not impressed.  I still want to hear RG tell me about it all.  So please, WST and Pan Times, do it over and do the real thing this time.

    • Mr. State this interview was not put up there for you.  It is what it is. It was put up for those who could get something out of it. WST is an educational institution. We are about developing people in addition to providing information. WST has lots of interviews on our site by interns, staffers, young people and pros. Some are good, some are bad, some are ugly and some are excellent. And yes, some of them make us go "oh my" and laugh. But as one past intern recently told us "I learned so much" - makes it all worth it.

      Depending on your background and or interest there was a lot of information here.

      Like Donald Trump, you are a professional politician.  Why would WST care if you are impressed? 

      As an assignment, maybe you should read the text of this interview and write down how many things you learned that you didn't know previously. If you knew everything that was there - move on.

      • "Like Donald Trump, you are a professional politician."

        What does that have to do with anything at all...?
        • Hi Noah

          I'm not sure what exactly WST meant, but I do remember that Mr. State is a politician who used this board to promote his running for some office in the past.

          I'm always suspicious of people who use a negative approach under the guise of seeking better.  What I heard from Mr. Slate was personal issues.  Why not simply request a followup interview?

          • ok. thanks for the reply
      • An ad homynym is a very weak form of rebuttal.  While the printed word maybe informative, it can never replace the historical value to all subscribers of the artist in person telling us about his roots and music.  WST and Pan Times have a mandate to serve not only their interns, but also their public.  This they do admirably, and the interview as conducted needs redoing if it is to serve any historical value.  Hard to hear, perhaps.  But nonetheless true.
        • I must be missing something or is it just the silly season is in full effect? Are we talking about a 2002 interview that revisited by WST because they saw some value in it for its members?

          I remember when WST posted an audio recording of "Dingolay" as arranged by the late Clive Bradley not to long ago.  WST warned us that it was not up to their normal recording standards because of how it was captured.  Is there any of us who does not appreciate having been able to hear that recording and grateful that they captured what they did and shared it with us?

          Yes, the silly season is definetly in.



          • All of which brings us back to my first contribution in this series, so I'll ask again: "How about doing it over in a studio somewhere where the man can converse intelligently about his roots and music and we can actually hear him?  ...So please, WST and Pan Times, do it over and do the real thing this time."

            It's not too late, Bugs, for RG (if you're willing, dear sir...) and WST to capture yet another recording, wherein at the very least the same thing (and likely much more) will be shared with us, we won't have to strain to hear the spoken word, and the interview will have the listening/participation and understandability/comfort a little professionalism can add.

            (Actually, even this recording might have had the ability to be edited into better shape using 2010 editing technology: zooming-in on or flashing to the interviewer for questions and reactions, and on RG while he shared his story...except that the sound would be very difficult to clean up.) 

            We are not talking about a 2002 interview.  We are talking about another, different, new interview, done in less haste, and with a tad more professionalism, to replace an under-serving one made in 2002.  Not silly: serious.  Am I mistaken in asking for that?  Are we to accept that THIS recording of a person-to person with one of the great players of our time should suffice?



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