Some Panmen of the 1950s by Ian Lambie

Some Panmen of the 1950s
by Ian Lambie

I am fully aware of the excellent contributions made by Ellie Mannette and Andrew “Pan” de la Bastide to the advancement of “pan” in the USA and by Anthony “Tony” Williams at home. I decided to write about lesser known pioneers and to include some “College Boys” who were beating pan in the 1950s.

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  • Much Tanks tuh Mr . Lambie , fuh dis Important piece of D"History of Steelband . Dis sheds ah lot ah Lite on som "Pan History " published before . Tanks fuh yuh Contribushuns ,  [Past , Present an Continued ] tuh d Survival an Advancement of Pan . I truly appreciate dis  , D Days wen , in Carnival , Steelbans Importance was King . . .

  • Ian, I recall Silver Stars playing Back Bay Shuffle on Carnival Monday, coming down Frederick Street. In the recording someone shouts "Lambie". Were they calling you?

  • How come that nothing was mension about Errol Zephyrine,And he is from Invaders

    • "I decided to write about lesser known pioneers and to include some “College Boys” who were beating pan in the 1950s."

  • Reading this posting (although I did not read the whole thing) made me realize what a MAJOR CONTRIBUTION PATRICK ARNOLD MADE to GLOBALIZING PAN MUSIC.

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