
  • All stars won band of the with a regular sailor band that's laughable.
    • i don't think it's "laughable" at all, nor do i think is joke.  Here is a post i saw on FB yesterday - to me,  THIS is the WHOLE POINT.

      "Yuh cah play Mas and fraid Powder!...


      2014 will be remembered as the year that the Port of Spain Carnival died with the Mardi Gras ascendent, the Canboulay routed. However in the ashes of the battlefield one could see rear-guard action by the Canboulay Forces...

      This year- 2014- the Steelbands came out in force to defend the Legacy of the Golden Age. The whole rank and file of the Pan Movement came out in force on the road on Monday and Tuesday as if to prove a point. They are at the Heart-Centre of the Trinidad & Tobago Carnival and they showed that they could rescue the thing... None moreso than All Stars who organised themselves in Traditional Sailor glory to prove the power of the Traditional Mas even in its simplest form, the power of community, and the power of Pan organised!!!...

      It is clear to me that it is Steelband and the Traditional Mas that will save us. Walking the streets this year I was more clear of that than ever!"
  • Cecil My Bro. Just because we want Pan on the Road we can't turn our eyes away from Fairness. There is no way that All Truly Won Band of the Year. This is So Laughable. The Judges has Shown no Regards for the efforts that these Mas men who put out for their Presentations. Most All Stars Members have been Wearing the Same Uniform/ Out fit for Many Years. These Judges has Disrespected the Whole Mas Community and the Nation with this Decision. This Has Nothing to do with Pan on the Road. It's a Travesty and We all know it. Be Real.
    • Seriously though ,Val, you have to consider the quality of the competition .

      • Gentelmen,

        All Stars came 6th in the Band of the Year contest in 2012. Came 3rd in the Band of the Year contest in 2013 and now 1st in 2014. You all were not watching the trajectory. This was no fluke. NCBA decided that in 2014 they will add Monday marks to Tuesday marks and on this basis declare Band of the Year. There was one added criterion - YOU MUST PLAY THE SAME MAS' BOTH DAYS. That was to stump All Stars. Hence All Stars registered as "Sailors on Shore Leave in a Tropical Fiesta". With the marks from Monday added to Tuesday, ALL Stars anticpated VICTORY.

        Re Starlift: Many of you do not know that for years All Stars registered in the MEDIUM category in order to guarantee that Starlift would win LARGE Band on Mondays.In 2012, NCBA banned ALL Stars from the Medium Monday category. Understand All Stars' commitment to the Steelband Movement.

        • Sir (Bukka Rennie), your contribution to this forum is invaluable. You've shed enough light to render some of our other views purely puerile and moronically myopic.

          Moreover, you are absolutely correct when you underscore All Stars' commitment to the Steelband movement. They obviously had a strategy and worked their game plan to perfection.

          Regardless of one's affiliation to any other steel-band one should definitely feel a deep sense of admiration for this organization.

          What a "frontline" for Trinidad Neal & Massy All Stars –– "Discipline, Dedication, and Magnificence in Performance"!!!!
        • As usual, thanks for putting it in context, Bukka Rennie.

          • You can always tell an All Stars fan,

    • Val I hear everything yuh saying but the fact remains BAND OF THE YEAR 2014 is ALL STARS, this is Real.

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