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Good Tuesday morning to All: We should all be familiar with the numerous individuals and groups who entered the arena claiming to want to "do something for pan". (Boogsie) From Arnold to Ramsey-Moore, neither of these current or former presidents of the steelbands' association (Pan Trinbago) have ever come remotely close to the long list of successes of the "Godfather" of the Steelband Movement, George "Sonny" Goddard. As Co-Founder of steelbands' major event, Panorama, Goddard's long list of accomplishments are noted here on When Steel Talks. (See. "Who Am I?") Recently, Diaz was interviewed by one of his former executive members (more on that sinister character later), and the former president boasted of his accomplishments, including the International Conference On Pan (ICP) and its accompanying "international Panorama". I published the entire report of the government-conducted audit related to Diaz and his executive's practices during that time, and the reader can form their own conclusions as to Diaz's successes, not in terms of personal financial gains, but in terms of the subculture's masses of "panmen" and "panwomen".

Then, we witnessed a bunch of alliances being formed; the "Concerned Individuals For Pan" (CIP), the Ramsey-Moore led "New Visionaries" (NV), the "Big 5". We saw the Codrinton Pan Family doing their own thing, and Vanessa Headley making news for her contributions, however, when faced with real life situations like disease, neither were financially-stable enough to handle them without reaching out for help. Tragic. I spoke to Dr. Lance Seunarine who tried to get a pension fund going here on this site, and it saddened me to hear that he now faces his own health challenges.

When I graduated from college in 2008, I wanted to put my education to use in serving my community, that being the steelband community in Trinidad and Tobago. I intended to use my knowledge and training in the field of psychology to help shape how I looked at the numerous issues and challenges facing the steelbands, and in particular, their membership. Due to that social science approach, I understood that i needed data; field research became a required step, if I was to even stand a chance to be successful in my goals. And, I wanted all of us to grow together, and that was the premise behind my suggesting we started a When Steel Talks Book Club. The idea never gained traction.

Goddard was successful because he understood leadership. He also understood what it took, if the goal was "building for eternity", which is what he assumed the entire body he represented wanted. This is why, prior to the association becoming infested with political hacks, steelbands experienced their "golden years"; an era referred to as steelbands' "Coming of Age". Goddard laid out a solid foundation that would have withstood the time test, had it not been for those who began chipping away at the foundation, beginning in 1970, and finalized with the Act 5 of 1986.

Foundation removed and demolished, the association became a decaying carcass, and, naturally, the “culture vultures” showed up like corbeaux at the swollen lifeless body of a stay dog, struck by a passing truck on the Beetham Highway. Then King Corbeaux showed up in his Black regalness [sic], and the real feasting began. No one would (or should) judge the “success” of the body (Pan Trinbago) by the well-fed look of the vultures. You don’t judge the success of body, by how well it fed its leader, but by how well the leader fed the body!

Of course, once on solid ground and on strong foundation, “building for eternity” requires the construction of the first floor: values. And, this is where, again, Goddard succeeded and others failed. In my next blog post, I will peel the proverbial onion and expose the “building blocks” needed for both the foundation and the first floor. Without them, anything you build will not be structurally-sound, and will always remain in a compromised position, waiting to come tumbling down like a deck of cards. Building something that will last is not guess work. It takes skill; skill informed by study and research. Skill independent of bias and; or prejudices, and skill that demands truthful, factual evidence, and not premised on conspiracy theories or mischievous intent. Because the vultures have been lauded and praised for their great job at devouring the carcass, they have become enabled and, as such, will continue on their “eat-ah-food” rampage, until all that remains are the dry, white bones of what once was a steelband body.       

 With Regards,

George D. Goddard.


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Tomorrow, I suggest what may work. But for now, understand that these are corrupt men of ill will. The former president dared relay a threat to me, and had my mother very concerned in 2014. At Roger Israel's office, while on speakerphone, the rogue ex-leader would engage in an expletive-filled rant, telling the (then) permanent secretary to "DON'T GIVE DEM GODDARD BOYS NOTHING!", in our attempts to get help with the town hall meeting. (Yeah; we got nothing. lol.) And, all this while he paying his former education minister hundreds of thousands (that's the money we know about. Remember, the house in Holder's name, the BMW X5, and the Porsche Cayenne?) The PDF file is the audit report in its entirety. Honestly, I do not recall which "whistleblower" forwarded it to me, but, again, they ALL came to me, to do their dirty works, and to clear their names once the works were done. Quite frankly, my well-being is still threatened by these men, who seem to run the association like a mafia organization, more than a body for ALL panmen and panwomen. Kiss his ring, and Diaz made you filthy rich. Maybe he should run for the POTUS office, for we all see that despots have huge followings and immense power. Oh well, make me a martyr. Take me out, like you warned my brother, Don Diaz. If not, I will continue to expose you and any "culture vulture" roaming with our subculture. (Not into kissing rings.) The steelbands have rewarded you very handsomely; allow someone else to "eat-ah-food-nah". To the Awoke: Watch for the "kickbacks" to the retired King, once the Prince from south assumes the throne that was prepared for him. That's the campaign we are witnessing before our eyes; a handpicked young ruler they can manipulate, because they know he is weak and a "useful idiot"! George D. Goddard.


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I admit; I am no Christian, but then again neither was the thief who allegedly was offered "everlasting life". I admit; I am neither Jesus Christ, nor a thief, but I am able to recognize which "camps" people belong to ('scuse the grammar). How? BY THEIR WORKS! (Caps, for emphasis.) I know that some people have the ability and skills to serve two (or more) "masters" -- God, Devil, good, evil -- and, today becomes earmarked as the day some return to their "Christianity", having served the "King of Carnival" -- Bacchus.

So, I chose today, as I hope to speak to the "God" in you, and not yesterday's "Devil". Is that okay? (Rhetoric.) The Christian leader allegedly stated that " is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Think about that extreme use of metaphorical reference for a moment...

Of course, being a (bona fide) leader, he didn't just talk the talk. As written, when offered the entire "World", he allegedly rejected the "Ruler" (you know, "Satan"), telling him that his "Father's Kingdom, is of no part of this World." Those who wanted to be in his presence had to leave ALL their "riches" behind. And, he allegedly asked, "WHAT DOES IT PROFIT A MAN TO GAIN THE WORLD AND LOSE HIS SOUL?" (Again, caps for emphasis only.)

Then, when the soulless "rich man" eventually dies (sorry; money can't buy you eternal life), the family buries them according to "Christian rites", thinking that their "rich" loved one prove Jesus Christ wrong, by getting into heaven, while we ALL know ain't NO camel getting through NO needle's eye! lol. Well; as Bob Marley sang, "...they crucified Jessus Christ..."

Point is; I "know who I am and where I stand in the struggle" (Marley) If those who claimed to be "Christian" are the very ones who crowned their own leader with thorns, I should (and do) expect similar or worse treatment by men, especially the "rich" and those who are all about "that money". Of course, karma catches up to them, as in Trump's case, but even if the laws of men don't get you, the Universal Law (i.e. karma) will. As I admitted; I am no "Christian", but I am no thief either. Just a simple man who continues to be honest to himself and others. ALL about choice! To my Christian peers, safe and happy Lenten season. Protect our women and girls!

George D. Goddard12393756461?profile=original

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12393755464?profile=original12393755681?profile=originalPan-Africanism And The Connecting Of The Steel Drum/Steelpan To Black History

Most people with a basic knowledge of the history of the steel drum/steelpan/pan, have no difficulty in connecting the percussive instrument to its Trinidad origins. However, few are able to make the connection between the instrument and “Black History”...

(Click the following link for the full article.)

NOTE TO WST MEMBERS: While some are unable to find the human decency to respect ALL people, regardless of "race", I have continued to assert that Black people are not inferior or deficient, but, simply different. Afro-Trinbagonian professionals in the social science fields may not know who I am, but I continue to earn the respect of doctorate holders in the field of psychology! I clearly understand that, in order to change behaviors, we MUST address the opinions and attitudes that fuel them. 

George D. Goddard

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