Feelin' Single ( R Kelly) - Despers USA Steel Orchestra

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Despers USA Steel Orchestra performs "Feelin' Single" by R. Kelly Brooklyn, New York - In an unprecedented and rare display of unity, members of the steelpan fraternity came together under a single performance op at the conclusion of Despers USA's Rhythm and Blues/Reggae Night electrifying Summer musical showcase held the second weekend in July. More on that later. If you were not there you missed a good one. If you were there, then you already know what we're talking about. The event featured four of New York's steel orchestras - ADLIB, CASYM, New York Pan Stars and the host Despers USA. The night's music, as the title suggests, was dedicated to the music genres of Rhythm & Blues and Reggae, performed in an instrumental format within the steelband music art form. read more http://ning.it/18tIpnC

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  • Good Job Despers !   Loving it !

    Would love to hear it recorded with full arrangement. Keep up the good work.

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