Exodus Steel Orchestra / 'Good Morning' / Panorama Preliminaries 2017

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Exodus Steel Orchestra puts on a scintillating performance for the judges at Panorama Preliminaries 2017. They played 'Good Morning', composed by Jovan James and sung by Peter Ram. The arrangers for this song are Pelham Goddard and Terrance "BJ' Marcelle.

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  • I think EXodus has the best arrangement for this tune. A winner for sure.

  • This is mucho deadly too...

  • There are many young people in the band, along with the more experienced players, and it was fantastic to see them pull together like this. I enjoyed their spirited performance last night!

  • One of the best "Good Morning" by XO  so far and this year they have two veteran arrangers in Pellam Goddard and Terrance BJ Marcelle so Exodus is a serious contender for the title. My mother and cousins from Barateria was in the crowd when they performed.


  • I agree with your list Miguel Reves. I saw Exodus live and they played with such passion and excitement. It was something to see.

  • So far I have listened to a few of the large and medium bands
    And the most enjoyable arrangement I am feeling is
    Allstars. Renegades , Exodus , supernova..they are all playing with the spirit
    Of carnival and excitement... well done ✅ guys so far'

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