So I would like to know who is the CAMPAIGN MANAGER and how much they are paying him and what they are promising him and HOW MUCH they are spending on THIS CAMPAIGN.

Because once they win they are now OBLIGATED to HAND OUT BIG JOBS AND CONTRACTS and repay all the BANKROLL MONEY from the election. And allyuh know is PAN MAN MONEY going and PAY FOR THAT.

I thought the RACE was going to come down to BYER and BEVERLEY!!! But people calling me and telling me that once I TOOK CONTROL of the KERON VALENTINE CAMPAIGN here on WHEN STELL TALKS that about 25 STEELBANDS jump on the KERON VALENTINE BAND WAGON and put KERON in the DELEGATE COUNT LEAD.

I am flattered to learn that I am such and INFLUENTIAL VOICE in THE PAN TRINBAGO POLITICS when my only mission is to hear ONE TRINIDADIAN RECORD ONE DECENT PIECE OF PAN MUSIC before I DEAD!!!

Man ah TIRED WAITING for that piece of music!!! Ah feel that girl who just play in the KENNEDY CENTER could make it happen -- but she needs the right influences. I still see a little TOO MUCH GREEN TRINI in her. But I think that she could EVOLVE out of that because she still VERY YOUNG!!!

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