Steelband Music (1317)

One of my FAVOURITE CALYPSOS of ALL TIME ... lyrically and story telling wise. Musically, Boogsie could have done much better. I am still trying to find out who wrote those lyrics ...

The lyrics to "THIS FEELING NICE" and "SOCOUYANT" are among the best I have ever heard. "TEN TO ONE IS MURDER" also ranks HIGH. But whoever wrote this song is a SOCIOLOGIST GENIUS because the underlying messages are so well embedded in the story ...

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What’s next after World Steelpan Day? PLENTY WORLD PAN DAY TALK ... and very little action to come ... ah have to wake up one day and get my head out this PAN TING ...

Of course, being the PAN CYNIC that I am ... I doh buy the OLE TALK. There are two things in Trinidad that I understand more than most people -- The failure of the  PAN ADMINISTRATION and the roots and perpetuation of CRIME in Trinidad. I will keep m

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I have a new respect for BERTEL GITTENS as he tries to rebrand "STEEL DRUM" to "STEELPAN" ... because he seems to have a COSMIC INFLUNECE as INDIA catches the same backwater fever ... INDIA to“Bharat”

I have been following PAN MUSIC (STEELDRUM MUSIC) for decades. And in recent years, I have been following the INDIA AGENDA on how they were trying to build a GLOBAL INDIAN NATION integrating INDIAN EXPATS from all over the world under the INDIAN FOLD

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Yes, WE INVENTED THE PAN and NOBODY could play it better than WE!!! But when are we going to learn to PRESENT/PACKAGE THE MUSIC to the world with all our MUSICAL GENIUSES we boast about?

I was making a cursory check on YOUTUBE to see which PAN PERFORMANCES had the most views and the results should serve as a WAKE UP CALL to our (we so talented) SUBJECTIVE PAN COMMUNITY especially since THE GOVERNMENT spends over $100,000,000 a year s

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