What KINDA CAMPAIGN yuh running? Doh forget that I offered you assistance from my CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT TEAM but STICK does always break up in yuh ear!!!

Ask around town in the KERON VALENTINE CAMP and they will tell you about the kind of energy and delegate enthusiasm I brought to THAT CAMPAIGN from THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY. And I don't have NO HELP, yuh know. I work by MYSELF. And I eh FLYING IN no TEAM FROM TOBAGO and putting them up in HOTEL and renting car for them and buying meals and all that EXPENSIVE OVERHEAD, yuh know. Sometimes is ONE  CUP AH COFFEE for the whole day (Marcus Ash never send me the COCOA STICKS -- ah sure BEVERLEY tell him DON'T!!!) while I working like a SLAVE for KERON VALENTINE. No EXPENSE ACCOUNT and RENT A CAR and all that, yuh know. Ah woulda been working REAL CHEAP for you.

And if you did HIRE ME -- yuh woulda been flying HIGH RIGHT NOW!!!

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