Look what MARCUS ASH do yesterday: He announced to the world (LIVE ON VIDEO -- bugs cannot even make ah simple movie like that but he always talking about some BIG HOLLYWOOD production) that PAN TRINBAGO was vacating their office space with a midnight deadline.
So there was no gossip and no room for SPECULATION. Everybody was free to look and see and make their own judgement about the situation. And almost everybody was understanding and sympathetic.
Ah like the part when he interview all the EXECUTIVES and had them share their thoughts on the situation -- kinda of a FULL DISCLOSURE TRANSPARENCY TING!!!
So take this as a good lesson, MISS BEVERLEY, and apply it in the future.
Now we both know that their are things you could tell your subjects and things that you can't. But always weigh it on the scale of TRANSPARENCY and curry favour a little bit in that DIRECTION.
Gerard Mendez impressed me with his contribution!!!