Did STALIN write his own songs?

Very few CALYPSONIANS wrote their own calypsos.

As CHALKDUST sang in QUACKS and INVALIDS: "Every time they make a hit is MERCHANT or DEVIGNES who compose it".

And going back to the fifties and sixties you had people lIke REGGIE JOSEPH and PAT CASTAGNE and NELSON CATON and ERROL INCE and even young COLLEGE BOYS from town writing a lot of CALYPSOS for BIG TIME SINGERS.

I believe that KITCHENER wrote his own songs because of the consistency of the messaging and the use of the dialect.

I still have a headache trying to figure out if GYPSY wrote his own songs.

And I have my doubts about STALIN. Anybody got any INSIDE SCOOPS on this?

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  • Peter deLight, Duvone is at the top of his game so we know he's gonna bring it. however I have ah feeling Silver Stars is going to be trouble..Choice of tune is gonna be a big factor this year.

    • Duly noted, Big Cess.  Duly noted.

      However, there are three remaining Biggies still to announce their tune of choice.

      And you torke bout giving trubl?!?  One of those three cud easily bun dem.

      • I hear yuh Peter..

  • Stalin wrote the lyrics and sang the song to Boogsie music when he did MORE LOVE...

    • Cess, you know I am enamoured of your extensive knowledge of all things pan, and of course, always respectful of your opinion and prognostication.
      With that in mind, do you think Renegades’ 2023 pan arrangement will immortalize Stalin’sBlack Man Feeling To Party”?
      I am hopeful that the North Stands have been adequately reinforced.  ;-)
      • Dr. deLight: Yuh making me work for free ... and I am a HIGHLY PAID man. But just for you ...

  • I put up this video to support my postings. Most people will not understand why ... but if they want to expand the debate ... I have more bullets to shoot on this topic from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
    I hate all the pusedo-sympathy when some ARTISTE dies in TRINIDAD ... REAL HYPOCRISY!!!

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