Recently there was a big discussion on the use of The Electronic Steelpan. I thought I should share this clip of BP Renegades practicing in their panyard as they get ready for the road, and other performances for the 2013 Panorama and Carnival season. Steelpan virtuoso Duvone Stewart plays the E-Pan and you can use your imagination to envision the hundreds of advantages the panman can enjoy.

Duvone demonstrates some of the features that the steepan player can utilize with the use of the world's first Electronic Steelpan 'The E-Pan"
For Example; One of the pieces in this video clip is Super Blue's "Fantastic Friday.' The original version of this song Super Blue uses a lot of bells and other sound effects which makes up the DNA of the song. BP Renegades was able to capture those effects by using the E-Pan. However, normally in order for this to happen the band would have to hire a keyboardist or use a computer to duplicate those effects. With the use of the E-Pan Duvone Stewart is able to capture this using a familiar tool (The E-Pan).

Unless a steelpan player can also play a keyboard or several other instruments this cannot be captured. Now the steelpan player has a tool that he is familiar with and can reproduce the same DNA using The Electronic Steelpan. He can also go into the studio and get hired by calypsonians as opposed to hiring keyboardists. In Trinidad and Tobago right now Super Blue's Fantastic Friday song is one of the favorites for winning Road March. listen to the original and then listen to BP Renegades version and you hear the use of the bells etc. Now keep in mind that this was just a rehearsal. Later today BP Renegades will be performing in Trinidad All Stars panyard for their Soca By 'd" River event. for those in attendance they will be able to enjoy the finished product. Renegades will be using the E-Pan tonight.

As a people most of us are very critical and skeptical of change. As bold as that statement is I will also say there are people in this fraternity who embrace change and are willing to take advantage of the modern tools and technology to enhance, educate and embrace positive possibilities which can also solve some steelpan challenges. For example on the road being drowned out by the DJ’s etc, etc……

Our fraternity is very critical when a foreigner does anything new  for and with steelpan . When a local (Trinidadian) does something unique we are still quite very critical. When Bertie Marshall was alive people were very critical of what he was doing as well. But as he publically stated he did not really care about what those people had to say. My skin may be just as or I think a bit thicker. What I am doing is for the prosperity of the future generation.

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  • Salmon: I get in so much trouble on this forum for SUPPORTING THE E-Pan ah still have ah headache. Sidd and I were the only supporters of the development on this forum. The rest of the posters want to take PAN back to the 1963 to1975 period but they want to carry their cellphones and laptops and SUVs back in the time capsule with them. I like the harmonic dimension and instrumental diversity that the E-Pan brings when used in the middle of a conventional steelband. This is clearly the future brother of the conventional instrument but the fixated fraternity can't see that as yet.

    The good thing is that you do not need permission from anybody to continue your mission; the integration of the instrument with the conventional steelband is a foregone manifestation.


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