Holiday Message from
Yvette E. Rennie, Cultural, Political Strategist &
Vice-President of J’Ouvert City International, Inc.
Happy Holidays
As we celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Year holidays, our community must give thanks for our cultural, social, civic and religious accomplishments. However, it is imperative that we contemplate on issues that directly affected us in 2010, especially those that are hindering our young people from moving forward.
· A report done by Empire State Development Corporation in 2009 for NYC Council Committee on Economic Development, cited that during the Labor Day season our cultural celebration generated 86 MILLION DOLLARS to New York City’s revenue. How can we secure our share?
· The insensitive attitude of the police department towards our Panyards, Panists, Mascamps and Masqueraders (ironically, who played a major part in generating the $86 million) during the Labor Day season. This must be address.
· DEVELOPMENT, RELIEF AND EDUCATION FOR ALIEN MINORS ACT (DREAM ACT) was defeated in U.S. Senate. This Bill addresses the situation faced by young people who were brought to the United States years ago as undocumented immigrant children and who have since grown up here, stayed in school, and kept out of trouble. These young people cannot continue with their higher education or get a decent job and they live in fear of being deported. We must not give up.
Peace, Love, Health and Prosperity for the New Year
Let’s Work Together And Make 2011
A Successful Year