Even BEVERLEY realize that ALL ROADS to the PAN TRINBAGO PRESIDENCY pass through THIS WHEN STEEL TALKS FORUM so she sent her SURROGATES "to kick out my ...." but like KEITH BYER doh even realize the POWER OF CONNECTIVITY so he eh even COMING ON THIS FORUM.

And even after all the PRAISE that I give to KERON VALENTINE on THIS FORUM the man eh even come and do ah little CAMEO appearance.

When these people going to wake up and realize that the PAN WORLD has EXPANDED beyond the borders of the DROP OF RAIN in an OCEAN or a SHIP in the sea.

Ah wonder if BAKER still alive, boy. We used to lime in WASHINGTON DC.

Denise: I don't have any personal issues with you. But I CANNOT let BEVERLEY win THIS ELECTION!!!

It's politics!!! And it is going to be a bitter THREE WEEKS ahead!!!

MY desire to see some PAN PROGRESS and to CONTRIBUTE to that cause is my driving force. So I am going to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT (no holds barred) and let the chips fall where they may on OCTOBER 28TH!!!

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