What does that OVER-LOADED STAFF do?
I can hire THREE PEOPLE who could produce more than that ENTIRE STAFF!!!
So I want Beverley Ramsey-Moore to come on THIS FORUM and tell me and the 20,000 members of WHEN STEEL TALKS how she is going to REDUCE EXPENSES and ELIMINATE the 50 MILLION in PAN TRINBAGO DEBT!!!
Maybe one of her surrogates (bugs, Cecil, odw) could represent the position of their LEADER on THIS FORUM!!!
Well, I will excuse BUGS because he is currently UNDER THE CARE of Doctor Bennet Ifeakandu Omalu for BEVERLEY CONCUSSION and he will not be released until he SEES THE LIGHT that a WOMAN cannot win the PRESIDENCY of PAN TRINBAGO in 2018 and he MANAFLIPS to MY CANDIDATE ... in the GOOD NAME OF PAN!!!
Maybe 2038!!! The society should have evolved to egalitarianism by then!!!