Pan Trinbago looking at bigger Greens

Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - President of Pan Trinbago Keith Diaz says the organisation may need to create a bigger space for the Greens section for the 2015 Panorama semifinals event. He said that after announcing that this year saw the largest turnout ever for the country’s biggest steelband competition. Diaz said the final decision would be made after discussions with the executive of Pan Trinbago. The discussions were expected to begin yesterday.

Douglas said every year the corporate sponsorship for steelbands decrease. Diaz, who also said their was a lack of willingness from corporations to sponsor steelbands, said Pan Trinbago supported steelbands through money raised from the Greens. “We were told by the ministry that we needed to try to find ways to generate funds. “This year had the largest crowd for Panorama semis and we will continue to try to make it happen,” he added. Diaz said the Greens was one of the more innovative ideas in T&T Carnival.

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  •  I committed the unpardonable sin of not commenting on the article, if we want PT to be self-sufficient and don't like what the Pres. is doing, and, mind you, we would never like what anyone is doing i.e trini 2 d bone. Transparency and Accountability are watchwords need watching, but first, we have to learn how to spell 'em and know what they mean There may be a shortage of auditors in T&T. Auditors may be able to determine 'whey de money going, going.................gone.'

    • Patrick: I always enjoy reading your posts. Note that Diaz said "ON TO 2015" so the VISIONARIES were just a passing cloud. All the egotists who wanted to steal Diaz Greens from him and turn it into PIE IN THE SKY never happen showcases just have to sit on the sidelines and watch the BIGGER and BETTER production next year.

      You have to promise transparency and accountability to win political office; but after that the topic dies.

      Ah look into meh crystal ball and I don't ever see Beverley being President of Pan Trinbago!!!

  • With respect Mr Diaz I am not as a few of the WST members giving ideas on how to improve the image or  the dilemma Pantrinbago  is in ,,the stagnancy ,,wrong doings  the EYE  SORE for  a HEAD OFFICE IN T&T name all of the negatives and that's Pantrinbago,,my stand point is that you must Bow Out ,,Leave,,Resign,,Stop Pussy Footing Around,i am a person that do care  for all Steelpan Men and Steelpan Women,well being,,and this is one of the ways to send a message which is through the forum of WST,the New Visionaries  coupled with the  Blueprint  of Success  for the Steelband  presented by George Goddard ak ,,, Phan"tum ,,,, and all other positive input given by other WST Members is whom I do support  and  would be sharing my ideas with,straight up,,my respect to all WST members regardless of  whether my comment is accepted or rejected,,i am not the type to over look injustice  ,,,,for whatever one does not like for himself  don't do   it to others..

    • So what you are saying is that if Mr. Diaz resigns......poof!....... All would be well with the New Visionaries in place? Was all well before Mr. Diaz got there? At the end of the day, it's just other pockets to fill, and the panman continues to suffer. Skip the politicking. I don't give a hoot about Diaz and/or the New V's, unless they can guarantee respect for the panman  Who is responsible for the eyesore that is sitting on the highway? If you wish to cast blame, blame the govts that give away taxpayers' money w/o audits.

      I do not know these ppl in PT, but I see other crabs trying to pull down the crab at the top......and so it goes$$$$$$$....It is alleged that Mr. Diaz is doing ZYX, but 178 leaders of steelbands are doing the same. The problem with Pan Trinbago is NOT Mr. Diaz, it's the dollars$$$$$$.

      • if your child is employed and is not being paid would encourage him to continue working,,further my facts are based on all of the complaints rendered here o WST ,,I do agree with you on the point of the Government,,the Minister of Culture,,non recognition of the Seelpan by the Government,mind you presumably,,but as far as I am concerned ,,saying that the New Visionaries with the coupling of innovative ideas WST  members  can submit ,,the Blueprint of Success for the Steelpan,,is crabs trying to pull down crabs is,,PREMONITION,,,whats taking place now with Patrinbago one does not need a Magnifying glass to see,,THE  DELAPIDATED  BUILDING ,,SUPPOSED PT HEAD OFFICE speaks a lot,,,,the Millions supposedly spent by P?T  no auditing,,i do think that if Pantrinbago does not approach the Government for a piece of Land for the purpose of practice and housing the Steelpands  the  Government cannot react,,PT is the Governing Body , ah hope dat yuh got my drift,,,the  Organaisation that is the present opposition ,,The New Visionaries,,,no one knows what the future can bring forth for there is no proof of stagnancy,,thieves,,robbers,,neglegence,,bribery,,misuse of funds,,Panmen and Pan women not being paid  LOGICS.i do stand firm on my point and do respect that ofyours,,nevertheless where  there is injustice  my support is negative,i do make my  comment as a Grass Root Pan Tuner, respect

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