ANIUSTO ALVES - Trinidad Guardian

Pres­i­dent of Pan Trin­ba­go Bev­er­ley Ram­sey-Moore said it is the gov­ern­ment that com­mis­sioned the au­dit on the steel­band body and they should go af­ter those who left the as­so­ci­a­tion in fi­nan­cial ru­in.

“Pan Trin­ba­go did not com­mis­sion the au­dit it was the Min­istry of Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment and the Arts and I would be re­al­ly hap­py if they went af­ter them. They left us in a bad sit­u­a­tion,” she told the Sun­day Guardian in a telephone interviewer.

Ram­sey-Moore, who spoke can­did­ly about the au­dit on Pan Trin­ba­go by Ernst and Young (EY) which was laid in Par­lia­ment in April last year, de­nied claims that she want­ed to “bury the re­port” and move on.

“If it’s any­body that would want to ex­pose the last Pan Trin­ba­go man­age­ment team it would have been me. They made me per­sona non gra­ta. I told them we are now re­cov­er­ing from a nar­ra­tive of an or­ga­ni­za­tion in­volved in putting mon­ey in their pock­ets and they were re­moved and the en­tire slate clean,” she ex­plained.

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  • But Mrs Ram­sey-Moore 

    You did bury the report. And you did move on.

    And now you have buried the report of your first year in office. 

    You can never undo this.


  • Look: EARL RICHARDS and CECIL HINKSON and BERTEL GITTENS and a BUNCH OF OTHERS really like and SUPPORT BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE. So it does not matter what she does -- they will always support her. And that is acceptable with me -- yuh like who yuh like!!!

    But as long as BEVERLEY lets the TOBAGO PENCHANT for SECRECY sway her decisions (and all the YES MEN around her are not bold to enough to give her BETTER DIRECTION) she will continue to STEP IN IT.

    This whole issue could have been PUT TO BED nine months ago; instead she kept it A BIG SECRET. Imagine THE TT GOVERNMENT put the report up on the INTERNET for the WHOLE WIDE WORLD TO SEE -- and BEVERLEY have it under LOCK AND COVER feeling that is she alone READ IT.

    Today is PANORAMA SEMI FINALS and we should be DISCUSSING CRACKSHOTS and CORRUPTION in PANORAMA and the BEST ARRANGEMENTS and the JUDGING and how MERRYTONESTOTHEBONE finish SO LOW in the competition. Instead we discussing KEITH DIAZ and RICHARD FORTEAU and THE FORENSIC REPORT and the NEXT BIG SCANDAL with THE VEE PEE (well that MARK eh bus in the PUBLIC YET).

    Gregory Lindsay: Stop PUSSYFOOTING AROUND and say what yuh have to say and leh we TURN THE PAGE and focus on how PAN TRINBAGO could start generating some money to CLEAR ALL THAT DEBT.

    Ah still say that they should PRODUCE A GREATEST HITS PANORAMA CD and see how far we could go with that!!!

    Anyway, all I care about today is that they put meh LIL STEELBAND (EDINBURG 500 ENSEMBLE) in the FINALS!!!

  • Claude 

    I am right here......much more to come....Electronic media payload later....stay tuned.

    Dr. DeLight.....thank you

  • Bugs before these gangsters go to jail there is a long line of people, some real big fish ahead of them. Yuh remember the fellas with the airport?

    • Yea Cecil... We know Mario Sabga-Aboud said on CNN that he controls everything in Trinidad - 

      But we are talking about Pan Trinbago and Pan.  We know who did it. We know when they did it. And we know who voted to keep them in office.  Jail them.


  • That report should have stayed buried.

    • Cecil,

      Your view is your view. I respect it even though I don't share it. There is no carpet deep enough or big enough to sweep this under. Facts!

    • You kidding me Cecil?

      Very disappointing Cecil.

      The gangstas have to go to jail. And the new administration needs to resign. They are clearly on the path to corruption and gansta-ism. 

      You cannot defend the indefensible..


  • "Ram­sey-Moore  said  she  read  the  re­port  in  its en­tire­ty  and  was  dis­heart­ened  by  the state of Pan Trin­ba­go and the waste­ful and wild spend­ing that took place un­der the last ad­min­is­tra­tion."

    How could any reasonable person read that report and then describe such CORRUPTION, GREED and SKULLDUGGERY with terms like "wasteful and wild spending"?

    Nice trick, Beverley!!! Pretending that you JUST READ THE REPORT when both you and ME have been sitting on that report for the LAST NINE MONTHS!!!

    Anyway, GREGORY LINDSAY get COLD FEET and gone back in his SHELL (TIL ASH WEDNESDAY?) -- but MARK BASSANT working on a REAL BOMBSHELL ARTICLE ... so yuh not OFF THE HOOK as yet!!!

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