An exclusive interview with the master arranger Ray Holman
Global - Now in his second consecutive year with the steel orchestra know as Skiffle, master arranger Ray Holman shares his thoughts and wisdom with When Steel Talks in an exclusive interview, as they prepare for the upcoming Trinidad and Tobago 2014 Panorama Finals.
WST - “When last we left off - your trilogy of Trinidad life, hopes and dreams concluded with “Sapna (The Dream).” This year you have added “The Wedding (Shaadi)” chapter to this part-fable, part-novel, part-reality, and when taken in its totality, could even be considered a quadrilogy or tetralogy. How did this come about?”
Ray Holman - “The Wedding (Shaadi) is a natural follow-up to (The Dream) Sapna; the theme of cultural unity is dealt with on a wider scale in The Wedding. Sapna dealt basically with Penal and Laventille whereas [with] The Wedding, we have the two dominant cultural groups joined in a permanent union.”
read full interview
Very enlightening interview
Bugs, there is plenty room on the Phase ll wagon but one must submit to an honesty screen to gain entry...
Don't worry them Andeeeeeee fellows won't be giving you any trouble this year. They fail and have to repeat the class. Summer school for all of dem...
Living abroad, I haven't yet heard the arrangement. But in my unbiased opinion, "Shaadi" is best constructed pan tune for 2014! Can't wait to hear the arrangement. Good luck to Ray & Skiffle bunch.
Ray's arrangement is the most musical for 2014. If we're going to be honest, it is really not a fair fight when you listen to the other arrangements from a music stand point. In terms of people who can deliver great musical content in a panorama setting there are only a few who have done it consistently.
I was impressed with Andy & Birdsong.
Bugs....what the hell you talkin about??? havn't you been listenin??? stick break in yuh ears or wha??? Andy's arrangement is the most musical for 2014 AND he get ROBBED for it!!!! That kind of musicality you talkin about can't possibly come from some T&T native..... according to plenty.... instead of "Shaadi" dey shoutin "ANDY"...
Eye4Pan it doesn't matter which decade you pick, that lullaby music from Andy wasn't going to cut it. People seem to conveniently forget the high standard Tony Williams and North Stars set for panorama since the early 60's. Imagine that, they crying for the man who flunked the exam - came last in the class. Trinidad in real trouble.
Eye4pan I hear Claude trying to backdoor Andy into the finals with a special get over pass.
OMG!!! LOL... One good thing I can say is that after listening to those arrangers and young pannists in the "youth steelband competition" is that there will be a surplus of refreshing ideas coming to Panorama... soon the "big 5" will have to break up by force... de youths have pan in grip... coming to a theatre near you.....
True Dat!!
Hey your boy "Boogsie" use some real nice strategy coming out of the semi-finals with only six minutes of music. Now he has two minutes of music to put in that no one has ever heard and two weeks to do it. wow! Watch out!