Trinidad Express
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Five-time Calypso Monarch Leroy Calliste (Black Stalin) is currently putting lyrics to Len "Boogsie" Sharpe's melody for his 2013 song for five-time Panorama winners Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove.
Stalin said the ace arranger asked him to do the song but when he got the melody he realised this was not just any song.
"That music too sweet for me to just do a thing, I want to do it justice, I have to sit and think what I want to do with that."
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Cyar wait to hear... Dis one sounds like it go be real good!!!
With Ray Holman and Andy Narell in the game Boogsie know that it is not only about winning in 2013. Lets face it we all know that Andy and Ray are not conforming to norms of panorama music today so Boogsie is between a rock and a hard place because although he want to win he will also like to produce music that is comparable to what is done by Ray, Andy and Zanda. I think we are in for a special treat in 2013.
Cecil if we are going to be honest, Boogsie has won every year from a musical stand point with less than great efforts (no fault of his own). His only competition has been the music he has produced in the past. We should look for Boogsie to make a musical statement. I have concerns about Phase II's practice with both Holman and the late Franklyn Ollivierre not present this year in the yard.
Boogsie has not won since he made Dias world famous with "Do Something For Pan". Claude might be on to something.
Bugs, Boogsie has men who could step-up and drill the band and he never had a problem for players, sure he will miss Ray and Franklyn but he knows the show must go on. About the music, I can't remember if ever there was a panorama with he Ray and Andy but we know for sure that he is going to make a statement, I think we will be getting vintage Boogsie.
Everybody better come hard and good...
Bugs, If it's one thing we know is that Ray, Andy and Zanda bringing it hard and good, these men are not preoccupied with winning just beautiful music.
Yes Cecil! And is me and Diaz running the show: Money like Rain!!! Stalin better get some good help with dem lyrics.
Claude, Diaz has the best job in T&T, he pays himself and aint have to explain anything to anyone, that beats working on the docks and driving taxi. We all know that he will fight with all he has to keep things the way they are, but when the "Fat Lady" sings that's it, these days she has been singing the blues.
Leh we see who could gie Stalin the best first line, here is mine.......
Diaz gone, Diaz gone not one pan person go morn because Diaz gone.
I Love that line can't wait to sing it, already ringing in my head Diaz gone Diaz gone eh ah love it
"bun dem"