How do you feel about this? This, in the birthplace of pan. In my opinion, this is what (so-called) "panists" get for forgetting their history, and disrespecting the leadership and contributions of yore. Now, you have an organization that is powerless in a society that NEVER accepted you in the first place. RESPECT is ALWAYS earned, and that is what the "old" union (i.e. the Steelbands Association and NATTS) demanded (and got). From the government, the tourist board, and society, as a whole. If you all knew the (true) history of the "steelband movement", you would know what is missing in today's organization i.e. Pan Trinbago. UNITY! POWER! HONESTY! LEADERSHIP! VISION! CREDIBILITY! PATRIOTISM! MOBILIZATION! And respect from an unwilling ruling (plantation) class! Will the real leaders please stand up! Enough with the political "puppeteering", already!