Starting with;
( 1 ) WHO!!! invented pan?
( 2 ) WHO!!! invented the " First strumming pan called the strummer?"
( 3 ) WHO!!! invented the first "Tune Boom" or Bass?
( 4 ) WHO!!! invented the first " Cuatro Pan " the fore runner to the modern day " Guitar Pan "
( 5 ) WHO!!! invented the first " Double Tenor Pan" ?
( 6 ) WHO!!! invented the first " Double Pan" that turned out later to be the first " Double Second ."
after altering the lower notes?
( 6 ) WHO!!! invented the first "Cello Pan"?
( 7 ) WHO!!! " Pan on Wheels and Racks"?
( 8 ) WHO!!! " Tuned the Background pans, the Tenor Pong and 3 set Bass " for T.A.S.P.O?
( 9 ) WHO!!! " Was the first man too play a tenor on his lat"? and
( 10 ) , WHO!!! " Was the first man to play a tenor pan with both hands"?
2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8,9:Anthony Williams?