Ah keep telling allyuh that all who come to TRINIDAD on a BOAT do not understand  PAN and TRINIDAD POLITICS!!!

Who is the ONLY MAN who ever promote CHUTNEY MUSIC on THIS FORUM for YEARS?

And now CHUTNEY had to come and save PAN in the CARIFESTA SUPER CONCERT  .. well leh me go back and look at the rest of the show because yuh never know what could happen next.

And then MACHEL and SHAGGY say dey eh broadcasting for FREE -- so the show get cut off so ah doh know if they add a PAN out of GUILT.


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  • Personally, if I am representing TRINIDAD CULTURE -- I eh PUSHING NO CHUTNEY.

    (And that might be too complex and contradictory -- coming from me -- for some people on THIS FORUM to understand ... how many times have I stated that this is a PNM/AFROCENTRIC FORUM.)

    But on the realistic side, I see the COMMERCIAL VALUE of CHUTNEY MUSIC. So if I ever went back to TRINIDAD -- I would MIX with the CHUTNEY MUSIC PRODUCERS to see where we could take things -- because there is a BIG MARKET for CHUTNEY MUSIC if it is done right. But of course, dem TRINIS down there (BLACK or INDIAN think that they know everything about GLOBAL MUSIC -- that is why every time they make a hit is some DAMN YANKEE who COVER IT).

    But my obsession (until they build a BOX for me) is CROSSOVER SOCA MUSIC and GLOBAL QUALITY PAN MUSIC.

    (And, again, I like CHUTNEY MUSIC because I eh come to TRINIDAD on NO RECENT BOAT -- and I am a REAL TRINIDADIAN!!!)

    But PAN is the saddest thing I have ever WITNESSED -- look at all the FRUSTRATION and LACK OF ADMINISTRATION and CORRUPTION that THE INSTRUMENT continues to endure in THE MECCA. And look at the kind of thieves and the kind of incompetents they continue to put to run PAN IN THE MECCA. 


    So dem INDIANS slip through and butter and eat she bread while she was PLAYING POLITICS. (Ah cyar believe that RUSSELL PROVIDENCE read BEVERLEY as good as me -- or maybe the man just read my PROFILING of her and copy it. Ah swear ah need ah good copyright lawyer on THIS FORUM because BEVERLEY and PAN TRINBAGO done TIEF all meh ideas.)

    Anyway, after further review (football season about to start so that term slipped into my mind) we DEFINITELY need to GET RID OF BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE as PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO. Because if DOCTOR DOLLY could collude with dem INDIAN CHUTNEY SINGERS to put a PAN ON STAGE to EMBARRASS BEVERLEY (after all the BACHANNAL of the last two weeks) then -- clearly -- BEVERLEY was WAY OUT OF HER LEAGUE taking that BOAT from TOBAGO to come to TRINIDAD to fight with DOCTOR DOLLY.

    IS IGNORANCE -- ah wish JAMMA would have called me before he completed writing and producing that calypso. Ah would ah show him how to broaden the scope of the argument.

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