And it all happened in the space of ONE WEEK after ALL THESE YEARS.

I have been calling for a GLOBAL PAN STAR with a WORLD CLASS COMMERCIAL PAN ACT for years on THIS FORUM but I never had AN EXAMPLE to demonstrate THE CONTENT that I was envisioning.

And then I found WILSON JEAN-BAPTISTE -- and CASE CLOSE!!!

My next issue was the failure of PAN TRINBAGO to maximize its PLATFORM in GLOBALIZING PAN MUSIC. And I suffered great pain on this topic because NOBODY in Trinidad seemed capable of defining the project, much less mapping it out.

And just like that -- today -- GREGORY LINDSAY appeared on THIS FORUM and showed a "sagical" (ah make up that word) understanding of the objective and  the role that  PAN TRINBAGO could (should) play in addressing my second FORUM AGENDA. So my points of reference have been established with MAGNIFICENT SUPPORT..

Now I feel as if a BURDEN HAS BEEN LIFTED off my shoulders with this PAN THING. Thanks to those two gentlemen.


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