Months ago BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE decided to POSTPONE THE ELECTION so that she can continue SUCKING THE BLOOD OF PAN MEN and collecting her $27,500 a month plus PERKS. Somebody told me that all in all THE STATE (ah using ah YANKEE TERM here) spends $45,000 a month supporting BEVERLEY as PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO ... and what has BEVERLEY done FOR PAN while collecting all that money MONTHLY. The answer is: NOTHING.
But what really kills me is that she PULLED A COUP and took over the organization for the next three years and the whole PAN WORLD (one set ah XXXXXXS -- WHEN STEEL TALKS BAN ME FROM USING THAT WORD) sit quietly and watch her TRAMPLE THE CONSTITUTION and expand the playing field to steal another 4 to 5 million dollars from SCRUNTING PAN MEN and they are TOO SCARED to STAND UP LIKE MEN and FIGHT BEVERLEY DOWN.
If people really cared about PAN they would wake up TOMORROW MORNING and MAKE A STATEMENT that would have BEVERLEY running back to TOBAGO never ever to be seen in TRINIDAD AGAIN trying to MAMAGUY PAN MEN while she SUCKS THEIR BLOOD ... and they SO STUPID dey sitting down an swallowing all this DECEPTION by a woman who only cares about HER POCKET to heck with HER SUBJECTS.
Robert Hernandez, Aquil Arrindell, Faud Abu Bakr, Gregory Lindsay. Ian Franklin, Cecil Hinkson, Duvone Stewart, Travis Mulraine, Akinola Sennon, Akiba Joseph, Oswald Alexander ... ah calling on all ah allyuh to take some kinda stand (STAND UP LIKE REAL MEN) and STOP THIS TYRANNY -- BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!
When Steel Talks took away my FREE SPEECH -- it is really hard to curtail your HARD CORE EXPRESSIONS in the face of what BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE is doing to STUFF HER POCKETS and STUFF HER POCKETS at the expense of PAN PLAYERS.
And i am THE ONLY LOUD VOICE in the face of this BLATANT ABUSE OF POWER by THIS PAN SOCOUYANT and everybody in the world knows what I think about PAN MUSIC. Where are the voices of the SO CALLED PAN LOVERS in THIS TIME OF CRISIS? SHAMEFUL THAT THEY ARE SILENT!!!!
There are others Mr. Claude.
Well I want to hear them LOUD AND CLEAR ... EVERYBODY done know ALL MY POSTIONS ... what is ALLYUH POSITION. And I vex yes -- because I AM NO LONGER ALLOWED to use THE ONE WORD to describe allyuh on THIS FORUM.
"Others" IN TRANSITION? That is a WOKE YANKEE JOKE -- you are not going to get it!!!