Port of Spain
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Port of Spain
March 9
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Gayelle The Channel "At Last We Own Television!" is a community based television station which is dedicated to bringing out the beauty and talent of the twin-island nation of Trinidad and Tobago by highlighting and celebrating the positive aspects through 100% local programming. Register with JumpTV and Watch Gayelle TV live 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year on GayelleTV.com Visit: http://www.gayelletv.com
Pan' s leadership needs diplomacy, accountability, resourcefullness, oratory skills, team building skills, business acumen, foresight, organizational skills and the ability to earn the respect of the pan fraternity and the wider community of T&T and by extention every country in which pan has become an accepted and recognized musical instrument.
Congratulations, Mr. Diaz, on your election to the office of President. of PANTRINBAGO. Surround yourself with bright people and allow them to massage your ideas and make them reality. Explore new territory - join the T&T / American / and the British Chambers of Commerce. Break new ground in your quest to make T&T the mecca of pan.
Go for it!!!
But first, make overtures to have the commercial monument (pan's tombstone), ABSOLUT PAN, removed from its resting place outside the Jean Pierre Complex. It is an insult to our national instrument.