Pan Times's Discussions (7519)

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Steel pan diplomacy

Starbroek News

Guyana, S.A. - China's Foreign Minister Wangi Yi (centre) applauding a steel pan player today at State House. Wang and a delegation paid a courtesy call on President David Granger (second from left) during a flying visit to Georgetown

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Pan Trinbago Elections Date Set


The Central Executive of Pan Trinbago met on Monday 17th September 2018, to discuss issues affecting the organization including Panorama 2018 prize money and players incentives. Overtures are to be made to the NCC again, with regards to these matter

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Brooklyn J'Ouvert 2018 Results

J’Ouvert City International kicked off its 2018 celebration by honoring 25 individuals from our community who have worked hard behind the scenes to ensure that our culture is maintained in Central Brooklyn. They were known as “J’Ouvert Cultural Ambas

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