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Justice will Flow like Water and Integrity like an unfailing stream: That is our commitment. Welcome to the New Visionaries Pan Foundation. We are an organization that is non-governmental, organized, independent and self-governing. Our aim is to provide support and holistically develop our local and international pan constituency. To accomplish this we will provide the organizational frame work which will be built on these Eleven interconnected pillars: V - VALUE – Leadership, Professionalism, Governance. I - INTEGRITY – Accountability, Transparency, Respect, Humility. S - SERVICE – Diaspora, Self-Sufficiency, Employment, Empowerment. I - INNOVATION – Development, Research, Expansion, Industry. O - OPENMINDEDNESS – Change, New Ideas, Relationships, Youth. N - NETWORKING – Partnerships, History, Youth Involvement. A - ABILITY – Professionalism, Skills, Qualification. R - RESPECT – Honesty, Acceptance, Members. I - INSIGHT – Forward looking, Research, Innovation. E - EDUCATION – Musical Excellence, History, Futuristic. S - STAKEHOLDERS FOCUS – Social Change, Human Capital Development. Our Vision and Mission are well defined and will serve as the foundation and frame of reference for all activities and organizational planning. We solemnly affirm that we will operate professionally through Strong and Visionary Leadership, ensuring Efficiency, and Transparency within the organization is not just an expectation but a reality. Yours truly Beverley Ramsey-Moore.
NV: be advised that "Pan" started in the mid summer of 1936 and not 1939, nor did it start in Newtown Port of Spain, Alexander Rage Time band WAS NOT THE FIRST BAND that started parading the streets of "Puerto Espania" beating on dust bin covers etc, all the Fedo Blake, Kim Johnson et al are incorrect, as they have only scratch the surface, the TRUE Hisrory of "PAN" is there, very few of US have it CORRECTLY, therefore; it's not lost, U just have to talk to the people who was there, there are some of us thats still alive...