So you know about "timbre, wolf tones, octave stretching etc etc etc", which is great, maybe you can teach some of these tuners a trick or two, like the tone intonation accuracy of a pitch system, is based upon the laws of the octave, just keep hammering around the "perimeter" of the note Deanne, tightening and flattening, take your time be patience you'll get it ...
Ms Pijl; if a piano tuner decides to tune MY piano, in a different scale he would be FIRED, not paid and reported to the Piano tuners GUILD, at a Musical Convention in London 1936, it was decided that A 440 vibration per second be adopted universally, to accomedate all instruments around the world, and at most concert back stages today, U will find two piano's one tuned at A 440, and the other at A 444 vibration per second, the reason for that is, when indoors most wind instruments rises in pitch some times a semi tone up, never down, that is when the A 444 piano is warranted, you see Ms Pijl, I do not only tune pans, I am a piano tuner as well, I aquired most of my tuning knoweledge is from ANTHONY WILLIAMS, he created that monster in me...
Ms. Deanne,
Could you please contact me my e
So you know about "timbre, wolf tones, octave stretching etc etc etc", which is great, maybe you can teach some of these tuners a trick or two, like the tone intonation accuracy of a pitch system, is based upon the laws of the octave, just keep hammering around the "perimeter" of the note Deanne, tightening and flattening, take your time be patience you'll get it ...
Ms Pijl; if a piano tuner decides to tune MY piano, in a different scale he would be FIRED, not paid and reported to the Piano tuners GUILD, at a Musical Convention in London 1936, it was decided that A 440 vibration per second be adopted universally, to accomedate all instruments around the world, and at most concert back stages today, U will find two piano's one tuned at A 440, and the other at A 444 vibration per second, the reason for that is, when indoors most wind instruments rises in pitch some times a semi tone up, never down, that is when the A 444 piano is warranted, you see Ms Pijl, I do not only tune pans, I am a piano tuner as well, I aquired most of my tuning knoweledge is from ANTHONY WILLIAMS, he created that monster in me...
Deanne PijL; NICE TRY...