In the Spotlight

Salah Wilson:
a Man with a Vision, a Plan and
a Point of Execution

sal_bks.jpgMontreal, Quebec, Canada - The steelpan music movement - or the world for that matter - has never had a shortage of dreamers and procrastinators who can always find a reason why something ‘cannot happen.’ However, there are a distinct few individuals who consistently buck that notion, by their simple know-how to get things done.

Upon meeting Mr. Wilson you come into the immediate realization that this is one serious hombre. His years of experience in the steelpan music movement have bolstered him with as many years of knowledge, as to what he can reasonably expect from a given situation and more importantly - what it would take to get to the next level. He exhibits those qualities that most successful people have, which are - an expectation for success, a taste of success, and a non-failure option.
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