Panorama 2010 and Pay-Per-View

An “Oops” Moment in Steelband Panorama 2010 The case of the disappearing steelband panorama internet broadcast Who Is Responsible??!!

Global - A funny thing happened on the way to this year’s steelband music Panorama internet broadcast. It got lost, and found, and lost again, and then resurfaced - for some. Talk about “mass media confusion.” And yes, ‘confusion’ would be the operative word to describe the online broadcast fiasco of the 2010 steelband music Panorama event by the Caribbean New Media Group (CNMG). The end results were massive migraines, many disheartened customers and frustration for many partakers and curious people from all over the world, interested in the carnival season internet stream of which the Panorama finals event was part. Moreover an opportunity to expand and cultivate a global base was squandered and even permanently impaired. In this “must” forum, the stakeholders were never able to establish or exact professionalism at the highest order.
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