16 year old Trenyce Sweeney playing the steel pan at home. A Tribute to those affected during COVID

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16 year old Trenyce Sweeney playing the steel pan at home. A Tribute to the world during COVID 19

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  • I was very impressed with the skill, poise and maturity of this young lady's steel pan playing of a wide repertoire of musical pieces. She is as talented as ever, for someone so young, with a mastery of timing and displaying an exceptional ability to effortlessly roll the notes without fuss or fanfare. Additionally, her choice of musical selections reveals a taste for fine music.
    During this stressful and Armageddon-like time attributed to Covid-19, this wonderful contribution by Ms. Trencye Sweeney to ease fears and worries, comes like a breath of fresh air and is definitely appreciated at this time.
    Thank you very much.
  • Very good, keep at it.Hi Terence how are things?

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