2013 National Steelband Panorama Champion Performances

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Winning performances from steel orchestras for their national panorama championships. Performances include those of - Trinidad & Tobago, New York, Toronto, Antigua & Barbuda, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines

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  • And if you paid attention, you could see many of these on live stream.

  • Thank you for putting this together.  I attended three of these in Trinidad, Toronto and New York!  Pan Alive in Toronto is great because you can stand ( and dance) around the bands as they perform.  And congrats to Toronto Pan Fantasy for placing 4th in NY panorama.

  • Thank you WST for this compilation.It is welcoming to hear and see them all, moreso that I did not depart from the shores of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago this year, 2013. God's willing, hopefully 2014 I shall witness them all.What a fantastic job for this global steelband fraternity!  

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