A Must Have - DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ -- PDN Photoplus Expo 2014

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Checking out the Phantom 2 at the PDN PhotoPlus Expo. Every steelband, panorama, panyard and pan theater should have one. Your Flying Camera - read more http://j.mp/1wNdGPE

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  • @Wayne Cezair -- In every panyard are very bright and intelligent young people. The average young person can learn to pilot a multicopter in a few hours. Moreover, this technology is in the price range and hands of consumers now. Your argument is like telling the owner of a new camera not to use the HD video features and stick to still pictures.  Why? Every panyard should be a production house with minimum video/audio capabilities and expectations. This is not magic or difficult to learn. We know. We teach it to all ages. The pan community has to invest in it own development.

  • Why should a steelband or panyard have a Phantom drone or a camera stabilizer?

    Does anyone in the steelband have the proficiency to pilot a drone? Do they have the necessary expertise to handle a camera rig? Can they edit the footage they capture?

    Do they even have a high resolution video camera and computer setup to make such a purchase necessary?

    These 'toys', (I know I have one), are the domain of professional video producers. If a steelband or panyard feel the need to produce video, with stabilized or overhead footage, they can simply engage the services of a professional producer to do it for them.

    The cost of these units make it justifiable only if you are going to have continuous use for them.

    I thought long and hard before purchasing our drone and I run a film school. Even so I use it only infrequently.

    Steelbands and panyards will be better served by using the money (drone, camera, computer, software will run at least 2500 to 3000 US) to upgrade their premises, purchase pans or market their services.

    Don't try to buy everything you see selling out there especially if it has nothing to do with what you are engaged in.

    It's like asking every photographer to buy a pan everytime they need a picture of one.

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