ADLIB Steel Orchestra performing at the 2001 NY Panorama

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The year is 2001 and Basement Recordings captures ADLIB performing at the 2001 New York Panorama. Even back then although many of the players were very young, it was clear that ADLIB (2008 NY panorama champions) would be a major player on the New York panorama scene.

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  • Well crafted well played.

  • top 3 boyy .. smh a throwbackk*
  • A Throw back that was our first appearence in the TOP 3!! reuben nelson days! WE were so young took a few years but finally capture the number 1 spot. We have always had the music but now the execution downn ADLIB we going for the repeat
  • Looking forward to showcasing this talented band in the Rockville Centre NY area soon!
  • I really love this band... Adlib for ever.............
  • great music! !
    I was too happy and cried and a foot and an arm were gooseflesh!
    Thank you!
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