Adlib Steel Orchestra - Ave Maria

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Story Time with Mr. Sanch THE PAN JUMBIE OF THE DIASPORA - PART SEVEN OF ANY OF MANY I first met John “Panjumbie” Schmidt around 4:00 am on the morning of Sa...

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  • Published on Feb 26, 2016

    Story Time with Mr. Sanch


    I first met John “Panjumbie” Schmidt around 4:00 am on the morning of Saturday February 25th 1995 at the Panyard of Phase II Pan Groove Steel Orchestra, Damien Street, Woodbrook in the suburbs of Port of Spain. I was recording the Ray Holman composition/arrangement Jam it with you which the maestro had chosen for the band in the absence of their musical director Len “Boogsie” Sharpe who was on vacation in New York.

    John, a high-calibre electronic engineer fluent in “the technical language of acronyms”, and I share the audiophile’s passion of using minimalist techniques for recording Steelpan music be it soloists or the most complex of elephantine ensembles. John also possesses a vast library of photographs taken annually during Trinidad & Tobago Carnival as well as in Brooklyn New York for Labour Day celebrations.

    Today I’d like to present one of John’s recordings, remastered to 24 bit/88.2 kHz HDCD format by Sean Sandiford at Resolution Studios together with some of his slides, in the form of a movie. Ave Maria was performed by Adlib Steel Orchestra of Uniondale, NY on December 30, 2011 in their panyard. The music is palpable and the instruments are well-tuned. The soundstage is lush, spacious and delectable. The slides are illustrative samples of their varied portfolio of recitals outside of the Carnival season where they perform at the annual Labour Day Panorama Competition in Brooklyn.

    Enjoy, share with members of your own Network and visit

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