ADLIB Steel Orchestra - Big People Party - Cool Down Version - Panorama 2014 - Panyard Recordings

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Basement captures ADLIB Steel Orchestra from Freeport, Long Island, NY a few nights before panorama in their Long Island yard. Amrit Samaroo is the arranger. This is the cool down version -- read more on NY Panorama 2014

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  • Thanks ADLIB, Your rendition is amazing, I feel very proud to hear my nephew,s tune being played, Farmer Nappy is great. Kudos to youall.
  • Thanks Adlib.....As usual you guys rocked this arrangement, Absolutely the best arrangement of Big people I've heard so far but maybe I'm just a little bias - played a little fast Panorama Night, some of the sweetness was lost in the speed, this recording more than makes up for it......Thanks again.

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