ADLIB Steel Orchestra - New York Panorama 2013 - WST News Clip

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Click for results This is a WST news and reference clip of ADLIB Steel Orchestra's performance at the New York 2013 Panorama. The audio is poor and not truly representative of ADLIB's sound. There was much leakage from the sound system - which at times was awful. 100 players performed this Andre White arrangement of "The Fog". The camera was located to the left and parallel to the judges. Click for results

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  • Good work. I like Andre's style. I would not lay blame at his feet as I felt that something was not right with this performance. Nothing is wrong with the arrangement, but certainly something is wrong with its execution.

  • well for one thing the captain had too fast a count and they could not even maintain the 1st run in the intro.

  • bigmacttwi,

    I still cannot understand why this band placed 6th.

  • Something tells me that this arrangement blew over the judges' heads...far out there...well done

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