AES 135th International Convention - Jimmy Jam Delivers Keynote Address

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The opening keynote was delivered this morning by five-time Grammy Award-winning producer, songwriter and musician Jimmy Jam (James Harris, III) one-half of the legendary world-renowned partnership duo of Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. His speech focused on his first-hand experiences on the impact of technology on the creative process. Jam touched on several aspects of the music business, all the while highlighting the nexus between the traditional or 'ole school' precedents and the fast clip of today's technology. He was particularly intrigued by both the clash and connectivity, of "creativity and technology." Of critical importance to the artist is the ability to revisit the masters (original recordings) of yesteryear, and being able to re-issue or remix them sometime in the future. He touched on some of the music masters of the legendary James Brown now remixed for 'surround sound' and how phenomenal the material sounded. read more -

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