Ah Feeling - Brooklyn Steel Orchestra Ready for the Steel International Panorama - cool down version

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Update - BSO made it to International and as they say the rest is history...read more http://ow.ly/SRXKf When Steel Talks captures BSO a week before they leave for the competition. On August 9, 2015 Pan Trinbago in conjunction with the International Conference and Panorama (ICP) will host the first international Panorama competition at the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. The competition will bring together participants of twenty-four steel orchestras from around the world to compete against each other for the title of ICP Champions 2015. According to ICP’s website, subsequent ICPs will be held in other countries internationally. Representing Brooklyn, New York, USA will be Brooklyn Steel Orchestra (BSO). TENOR SECTION Travis Roberts (Manager) Wayne Bernard Jalissa Lynch Jahlani Roberts Aliandre Maraj Imari Bactowal Liynaa'a McLean Sean Perham Orisha John Dominick Robinson DOUBLE TENOR SECTION Elroy Primus Rachelle Ramdoo Adrian Ramdoo Shane McDonald Mark Joseph Liddell (Missy) Brooks-Rose DOUBLE SECOND SECTION Khyah Baht-Asher Kiera Scantebury Brandon Waldrop Luz Carime Santa-Coloma Rupert Dyer Joshua Quillen QUADS SECTION Natasha Rebeiro GUITAR SECTION Matthew Best Sydney White Shelly George Dave Patterson Anthony Sharpe CELLO SECTION Lakiesha Danglade Damany James Howard (Bobby) Geroge Jr. Ryan Osborne Christopher Raymond Edward Clarke Jhacquel Sutton BASS SECTION Kernel Simon (Captain) Curtis Lynch Warren Webster Sharon Samuels Sheldon Hoyte Tristan Samuel Ashley George Leah Wilson PERCUSSION Jerry Guy Robert Guilford Gerion Williams BAND OFFICIALS Jennifer Scanterbury Charmaine Derrell Martin Douglas ARRANGERS Marc Brooks Odie Franklin Kendall Williams - See more at: http://ow.ly/QDSkl

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