Air Max '97 x Pam Pam -- Check out Elisabeth Fidele of Despers USA on pan

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This projects is an exploration of form through the idea of the Circle. It's a conceptual interpretation of diversity and womanhood and about how we are all related and equal in our core. These beautiful dancers from barcelona come all from different backgrounds and they all come to connect in this piece to show unity and the force of women working and growing together. The circle is in geometry the perfect form, it's the most efficient shape of all, it represents humanity. On the other hand, dance is a universal language in which we all connect, without words, social background, race or gender are needed. When we dance, we are connecting to a deeper self, to our animal self, we are just purely humans connected to our bodies. This is a piece of silence, where language is not needed to define the differences between the subjects, and dance and the repeated image of the circle, are used to represent our real unity as women fighting in this world. Video Direction and Creative Direction: Camila Falquez Director of Photography: Fran Rios Second Unit NYC: Alejandro Mejia Set Design Assistant: Mayte Esteban Styling: Ahida Aguirre Styling Assistant: Make-up: Gloria Ricoo Gaffer: Dani Martin Focus: Franki A.Ronda Steel Drummer Musician: Elisabeth Fidel Dancers: Zarina Rondon Ines Archer Hanna Tervonen Ines Costa Esther Pou Agatha Ferrando Africa N Gozalez Vigil Wanessa Tayler Najwa Charki Mahamsani Location: Utopia 126 Barcelona

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