All of Me - Steel Pan

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Al 'Allos' Foster Last Tuesday while I was at Music By the Lake Camp I participated in a faculty concert which was held for the first few evenings performing for a little over 300 campers and 100 staff/faculty. I played two pieces - I did a short intro with a snippet of The Hammer by David Rudder accompanied by Alejandro Céspedes on the Xylophone as well as All of Me by John Legend accompanied by faculty pianist Michel Ross. The kids sang along and made the entire moment magical. When I heard the kids singing harmony parts I got goosebumps. Some faculty members were almost in tears... Check out the link to my performance here: Enjoy!

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  • AL, I can imagine how you felt with the Natural Human Voices in the background, those Goosebumps will stay with you for the rest of your life. Very nice.

  • That was great participation by the campers. graet stuff!

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