Amoco Renegades 'Pan Explosion' 1982

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A Classic Renegades Their 1st winArranged by Dr Jit SamarooA Doctor indeed

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  • Trivia the only steel orchestra to win panorama in every decade is Witco Desperadoes and they are the only one to have strong long lasting relationship with their sponsor which is almost 50 years.

    Here are the wins 1966, 1970, 1976, 1977, 1983, 1985, 1991, 1999, 2000.

  • does anyone have any kind of recording or video of Desperadoes 1982 ''Finals'' performance? ''Party Tonight' by Bradley. That you tube upload of desperadoes playing Party,is from the semi-finals of that year.The Final night performance was slowed dow.which resulted in a memorable performance. A big renegades supporter proclaimed that Desperadoes was the ''real'' winner that night.

  • Just some more updated trivia, Renegades became the second Steel Orchestra to win Panorama performing at the #1 position. Desperadoes is the 3rd. All Stars holds for the 1st and the only to win twice at #1. 

  • Carefree and happy feelin......
  • keep it gonna go faaaaaaaaaaar!!!...o.k
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