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André Michael Tanker

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  • " Strong is the power of love is the power of freedom", the brother knew what he was talking about, for if you're living in the US and you think you're free, you're only fooling yourself. Trinidad and Tobago is another word for freedom. Great song.

  • You're right , Teddy.

    Some may not be aware , but the Andre Tanker Combo was one of the top bands of the combo era of the 1960s.

  • Actually the name of this is Ah comeback home recorded in the late 60s. Andre did do another version later on with this name.In the 60s his band The Flamingoes together with Silver Strings was the talk of Combo music. On New Years  morning 1965 issued in a new flavour to his music and combo music in general when the band had a show At De Luxe cinema. Among the guests were Sparrow, Casanovas combo, Ann Marie Innis.The big tune was Linstead market. Later on when living in NY several times and really got acquainted. Most times I'd return home for Christmas, and we'd usually meet at the Big L on Frederick Street. It was at these times were chatting about this new release. Andre was intent on returning home,hence he put his feelings in this song.Believe it or not, the song had a great effect on me, and since I never like living in NY.I too packed up to return the 70s.

    Teddy Pinheiro

  • Andre tanker was always a boss.'BANDIT'

  • I would like to sing this truly soon.

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