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Andy Narell 5 Movies on a DVD ! Go to !

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  • Bravo Andy, well done!!!

  • Excellant---Excellant.

  • Oh la la! That brings back beautiful memories - it must have been 1984 or 1986 or so, when Andy came to Switzerland teaching us - the joined Bernese Oil Company and Naegeligass Kids Steelband - some calypsoes. I never forget this workshop and it makes me happy to know that between you and Ferrum Helveticum and other Swiss  steelbands the musical friendship still continues.

    Now, I'm living here in Australia and started a steelband in rural Victoria and showing your youTube clips and the videos of many many other T&T pan players and calypsonians to my friends. There is so much to discover and it is awesome! - Thanks Andy for all the musical surprises you keep pulling out of your hat - eh, I mean the pan, of course!

  • It might surprise you to know Andy, but you have a small dedicated following Down-Under in Australia. The steelpan movement here is still in its infancy but, just give me the word and everyone of us will come out to support and welcome you. You're an inspiration to us all.
  • Andy has undoubtedly been the biggest international promoter of the instrument and steelband music. We must embrace him because he gives full credit Trinbago and the creativity of the pan pioneers and current musicans.
  • Thank you Andy, for your your incredible music on the steel pan and for the part you continue to play in taking this wonderful instrument to ever more respectable heights. You are a one of a kind talent. Keep on making beautiful music on those pans. God bless.
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